Command Promopt Generate Android Key

Nov 29, 2018  How to view Command Prompt history with doskey. On Command Prompt, the doskey is a command line tool that recalls previously typed commands, edits command lines, and you can even use it to create. Apr 18, 2019  How to create a scheduled task using Command Prompt. To create a scheduled task with Command Prompt on Windows. Press the Y key to confirm. While the new feature is only Android. Nov 29, 2018 Quick re-type How to use command history in Command Prompt for Windows 10 You can be more efficient while in Command Prompt using the command history feature, and in this guide, we'll show you how. Oct 02, 2015 SSH Config and crypto key generate RSA command. Use this command to generate RSA key pairs for your Cisco device (such as a router). Keys are generated in pairs–one public RSA key and one private RSA key. If your router already has RSA keys when you issue this command, you will be warned and prompted to replace the existing keys with new keys.

  1. Command Prompt Generate Android Key Fob
  2. Command Prompt Generate Android Key Guard
  3. Command Prompt Generate Android Keyboard
  4. Command Prompt Generate Android Key Fob
  • October 2, 2015
  • Posted by: Syed Shujaat
  • Category: Cisco, Networking Solutions

Use this command to generate RSA key pairs for your Cisco device (such as a router). keys are generated in pairs–one public RSA key and one private RSA key.

If your router already has RSA keys when you issue this command, you will be warned and prompted to replace the existing keys with new keys.

NOTE: Before issuing this command, ensure that your router has a hostname and IP domain name configured (with the hostname and ipdomain-name commands).

You will be unable to complete the cryptokeygeneratersacommand without a hostname and IP domain name. (This situation is not true when you generate only a named key pair.)

Here are the steps to Enable SSH and Crypto Key setup : 2 config must requried for SSH

1 Setup Local VTY line User ID and password

router (Config) # Line VTY 0 15

router (Config-line)# login local

router (Config-line)# Exit

!!! create local login ID/Pass

router (Config)# username [loginid] password [cisco]

router (Config)# username loginid1 password cisco1

2. router (Config)# ip domain-name

router (Config)# crypto key generate rsa

If a product key works, that is great, But once it does not just skip it and copy another Windows 7 home premium Serial key from checklist below and test that you. Windows 7 home premium product key will solve Windows activation if product keys or account activation keys are not working. Windows 7 key generator online.

how many bits in the modulus [512] :1024

router (Config)# ip ssh version2

router (Config)# CTRL Z


Secure Shell (SSH) may generate an additional RSA key pair if you generate a key pair on a router having no RSA keys. The additional key pair is used only by SSH and will have a name such as {router_FQDN }.server.

For example, if a router name is “,” the key name is “”

This command is not saved in the router configuration; however, the RSA keys generated by this command are saved in the private configuration in NVRAM (which is never displayed to the user or backed up to another device) the next time the configuration is written to NVRAM.

Modulus Length

When you generate RSA keys, you will be prompted to enter a modulus length. The longer the modulus, the stronger the security. However, a longer modules take longer to generate (see the table below for sample times) and takes longer to use.

The size of Key Modulus range from 360 to 2048. Choosing modulus greater than 512 will take longer time.

Router360 bits512 bits1024 bits2048 bits (maximum)
Cisco 250011 seconds20 seconds4 minutes, 38 secondsMore than 1 hour
Cisco 4700Less than 1 second1 second4 seconds50 seconds

Cisco IOS software does not support a modulus greater than 4096 bits. A length of less than 512 bits is normally not recommended. In certain situations, the shorter modulus may not function properly with IKE, so we recommend using a minimum modulus of 2048 bits.

Syntax Description : Optional Strings to embed with SSH Crypto key

general-keys(Optional) Specifies that a general-purpose key pair will be generated, which is the default.
usage-keys(Optional) Specifies that two RSA special-usage key pairs, one encryption pair and one signature pair, will be generated.
signature(Optional) Specifies that the RSA public key generated will be a signature special usage key.
encryption(Optional) Specifies that the RSA public key generated will be an encryption special usage key.
labelkey-label(Optional) Specifies the name that is used for an RSA key pair when they are being exported.If a key label is not specified, the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the router is used.
exportable(Optional) Specifies that the RSA key pair can be exported to another Cisco device, such as a router.
modulusmodulus-size(Optional) Specifies the IP size of the key modulus.By default, the modulus of a certification authority (CA) key is 1024 bits. The recommended modulus for a CA key is 2048 bits. The range of a CA key modulus is from 350 to 4096 bits.
Note Effective with Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4 and Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T, the maximum key size was expanded to 4096 bits for private key operations. The maximum for private key operations prior to these releases was 2048 bits.
storagedevicename:(Optional) Specifies the key storage location. The name of the storage device is followed by a colon (:).
redundancy(Optional) Specifies that the key should be synchronized to the standby CA.
ondevicename:(Optional) Specifies that the RSA key pair will be created on the specified device, including a Universal Serial Bus (USB) token, local disk, or NVRAM. The name of the device is followed by a colon (:).Keys created on a USB token must be 2048 bits or less.
copyCopies any file from a source to a destination, use the copy command in privileged EXEC mode.
cryptokeystorageSets the default storage location for RSA key pairs.
debugcryptoengineDisplays debug messages about crypto engines.
hostnameSpecifies or modifies the hostname for the network server.
ipdomain-nameDefines a default domain name to complete unqualified hostnames (names without a dotted-decimal domain name).
showcryptokeymypubkeyrsaDisplays the RSA public keys of your router.
show crypto pki certificatesDisplays information about your PKI certificate, certification authority, and any registration authority certificates.

As a security measure, Android requires that apps be signed in order to be installed. Signing an app first requires creating keystores. A keystore is a storage mechanism for security certificates. A public key certificate is used to sign an APK before deployment to services like the Google Play Store. Signing the APK in this fashion allows Google to provide a high level of certainty that future updates to your APK of the same app come from you and not some malicious third party.


There are some things you will need to consider before first deploying your Android app. Primary among these is the expected lifespan of your app. You will not be able to deploy the same app signed by another key at any point in the near future. Android, as well as Google Play, enforces the use of the same key for updates to an APK. If you need to sign your app with another key for any reason, you will have to deploy the app with a new package name. Any ratings your app had on Google Play will be lost. You will also lose touch with your user base unless you have notified them in some way to expect the existing app to be obsolete.

Creating keystores

After you have decided on an app’s lifespan, you’ll want to generate your keystore. Java includes a tool for just this purpose: keytool. keytool is located in your Java JDK installation and should be on your path for the purposes of this article. keytool will quickly generate a public/private key pair and store them in a keystore for you after you answer a few simple questions.

keytool has a number of commands. The most common command used for signing Android builds -genkeypair, commonly abbreviated -genkey. The other commands may be useful to you, but uncommonly so. Again, there are lots of options for this keytool command. The primary -genkey options we are concerned with are in the table below with a brief description:

-keystore Filename of the generated keystore
-alias Keypair alias name
-keyalg Algorithm used to generate keypair
-keysize Keypair size, in bits
-validity Keypair validity duration, in days

Command Prompt Generate Android Key Fob

In other words, running the command

keytool -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias example -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

would result in a keystore file called release.keystore which contained an RSA-2048 public/private keypair by the alias name of example and validity of 10,000 days (more than 27 years).

Before running this command, you’ll want to decide on strong passwords for the keystore and key. You’ll need both of these passwords to sign an APK — they can be the same password if you’re into that kind of thing. The tool will also collect some metadata like your name and organization, but all of that is optional.

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Signing your APK

  • Sign with Gradle

Command Prompt Generate Android Key Guard

After running the command you’ll be the proud owner of a brand new Java Keystore. You probably want to set up your project to use the keystore to sign your APK, so let’s have a look at that.

If you’re using gradle to build your Android project, you will create a android.signingConfig and associate it with one or more android.buildTypes. The two passwords, keystore name, and alias name will all be needed in order to sign an APK. You can handle this in at least a few different ways. The simplest is to enter the relevant information directly into your gradle build script:

If you want to control access to the passwords you can move the information out of the build.gradle file and put it in your local environment or in a properties file to load at build time. To maintain security and control of the information, it’s likely that you would not want to check the keystore properties file into your source control.

Here is an example [from Google] of how to load the information from a file that would be located in your app’s root directory with the project level build.gradle file: would contain (in this example):

If you prefer the environment variable method, create a script to add the variables to your environment and try something like this:

There are some trade-offs to both of these methods. Figure out what works best for your organization’s methodology and use that one. For the environment variable method, for example, you have to load these variables into your environment somehow. This is less than ideal if you want to generate a signed APK with Android Studio.

  • Sign manually

If you prefer to sign your APK manually instead of as part of the build process, you’ll want to use apksigner, located at {ANDROID_SDK_DIRECTORY}/build-tools/{BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION}/apksigner for build-tools revision 24.0.3 or higher. apksigner uses the public/private key pair stored in your app’s keystore to generate a public key certificate. apksigner then attaches that certificate to the APK. After this is accomplished, the APK is associated with that private key in a unique way. The Android gradle plugin will handle this for you if you configure your build.gradle file with all of the necessary information, as shown above.

You’ll want to zipalign your APK, zipalign will ensure that your app’s uncompressed data starts at a predictable offset inside the APK. zipaligned APKs are required to publish to the Google Play store.

After your APK is zipaligned, sign it using apksigner:

You will be prompted at the command line to enter the password for your keystore.

Command Prompt Generate Android Keyboard

If your keystore and key passwords differ, you’re in for a treat! Using the command above, you will be asked for the keystore password, but will not be asked for the key password. Entering either password results in exceptions and you won’t be having a good time. You’ll need to tell apksigner that you want to specify each password individually. Apparently, this is supposed to be the default behavior, but it hasn’t worked for me. To force apksigner to ask you for the keystore and key password independently, use the --ks-pass and --key-pass options. Following each option with stdin will tell apksigner to capture the password from you at the command line.

I hope this has educated you a bit more about how creating keystores and signing an Android APK works.

Command Prompt Generate Android Key Fob

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